Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Sweet Treat Without the Calories "Ice Cream Sandwich"

So here lately I have had a sweet tooth from hell. As all of you know, they are super hard to kick and control. I came across an amazing and simple recipe on pinterest the other day.

What you need:
Chocolate Graham Crackers
Light Whipped Topping

These total up to about 80 calories per sandwich if you find the same ingredients that I came across. You break the graham cracker in half put a dollop of whipped cream in between the two crackers and freeze them. I would let them completely freeze, because if you do the crackers will soften and it tastes just like an ice cream sandwich. I hope you all find this as delicious as I do!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daily Workout Plan for a Strong Sexy Body!

Hi Guys,
I have put together a daily workout plan for that strong sexy body! I just did a five day one so that you can rest a couple of days. It's very important for your body to rest and recoop. When doing this exercise please use caution, because it can become pretty intense. Know your body's limits, but don't forget to push yourself! I left our the burpees, but they're always good for an additional push or challege! So challenge yourself to do some burpees each day. They help get that heart rate up! If you want to do them start with say five the first day and try to do more of them each day. Hopefully by the end of the week you have tripled the number of burpees that you can do! :)
I hope everyone had a fabulous spring break!
80 Jumping Jacks
60 Crunches
20 Tricep Dips
20 Squats
15 Lunges ( Each Leg)
70 Russian Twists (with a kettle ball) 100 (without)
30 Standing Calf Raises
30 Second Plank
10 Lung Split Jumps

60 Jumping Jacks
50 Vertical Leg Crunches
30 Sit Ups
20 Tricep Dips
15 Squats
15 Sumo Squats
15 Left Lifts (Each Leg)
50 Bicycles (Each leg in and out is one cycle)
20 Wall Push-Ups
40 Russian Twists (with a kettle ball) 70 (without)

80 Jumping Jacks
25 Tricep Dips
20 Sit-Ups
40 Bird Dogs
20 Supermans (with a 3 second hold each time)
30 Squats
60 Crunches
15 Oblique Crunches (Each Side)
30 Standing Calf Raises

90 Jumping Jacks
15 Scissors
20 Sumo Squats
20 Push-Ups
50 Russian Twists (with a kettle ball) 80 (without)
20 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
10 Walking Lunges (Each leg for a total of 20)
10 Jump Squats
1 Minute High Knees ( At Moderate Intensity Level)

70 Jumping Jacks
60 Vertical Leg Crunches
25 Sit Ups
20 Push-Ups
10 Walking Lunges ( Each leg for a total of 20)
20 Tricep Dips
20 Skaters
1 Minute of Butt Kickers (At Moderate Intensity Level)
10 Jump Squats
15 Jack-Knife Sit-Ups

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Burning Core Workout For That Flat Summer Tummy!

So as summer time quickly approaches most of us, especially females like myself, want a flat tummy! The easiest way to get it, it to work for it! It's something that you can be proud of.

I know some people hate crunches, scissors, and jack knives, but they really work! You have to feel the burn! I love it, and it's refreshing in a way. I guess I sound crazy, but some of you know what I'm talking about.

Here's a workout to try.

50 crunches
40 mountain climbers
30 side crunches
20 in & out
10 scissors
20 in & out
30 side crunches
40 mountain climbers
50 crunches

This may be a bit much for the beginner, but push through it. :)

1x for beginners
2x intermediate
3x advanced

Monday, March 11, 2013

Before Shower Routine

So I know we all sometimes lack motivation to do our workouts, runs, stretches, and so on. That's why you need motivation daily just like a shower or bath!
Here's a quick circuit to do right before you shower or bathe. It's a nice habit to get into and if you did this alone and nothing else I'm sure you will see results. This is also nice for toning your mid section and arms.
Have a fabulous Monday!

75 Jumping Jacks
15 Push Ups
45 Crunches
35 Mountain Climbers
55 second Plank

Friday, March 8, 2013

Tips for Waking up Early for Workouts and Starting a Good Day!

So if any of you are anything like me, you have a very very VERY difficult time getting out of bed and actually making into the gym. So today I've gathered a few tips to help you get up and get to the gym or on the streets running from youmefit.com.

First off, set your alarm, but move the alarm across the room so you have to physically get out of bed. If you think that you will get up and turn that one off and head back to bed, turn multiple alarms on. You'll eventually get tired of getting out of bed and just stay up.

I know this sounds super funny, but sleep in your workout clothes. They're comfortable anyways so they shouldn't keep you from sleeping.

If you don't feel like sleeping in your clothes lay them out the night before so that you're reminded when you wake up that you need to get busy.

When you wake up drink a glass of water, it helps to get you jumpstarted, but don't forget about breakfast either. You should eat within one hour of waking up to help boost your metabolism and wake it up. This also helps people who are wanting to lose weight as well.

Another thing that helps keep you awake in the morning is to go ahead and pop those ear buds in and start listening to your workout playlist. This helps to get you pumped and moving.

I like to pre-make some breakfast items like energy bites or cut up fruit for a smoothie, so then I'm motivated to get up and eat my breakfast because I know that it's going to be delicious.

I hope that some of these tips have helped! Enjoy your Weekend!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thirsty Thursday!

Looking for some good beverages, but without the calories, sugar and maybe a little protein? Looking for something to boost your metabolism. Couple things here that can do these.

The first one, low cal, low sugar, and added protein.
I have found a peanut butter banana smoothie recipe that I love! It doesn't have much sugar and it's a good day starter!
The recipe I use makes two servings.

  • 2 frozen bananas sliced into small chunks I never freeze them, but this might make it a little runnier.
  • 1/4 cup oats and grains - sometimes I opt to skip these and add some flax seed. Oats will help to keep you fuller for longer
  • 1/4 cup unsalted peanut butter
  • 2 cups milk- I have even used soy or almond milk
  • 1 tsp of organic Stevia, I use splenda because I normally don't have Stevia on hand.
  • (optional) 1/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt (plain flavor works too if you want the added nutrients but not the vanilla flavor) I always include this in my smoothie. Adds a little extra protein.
  • (optional) 4 tablespoons cocoa powder- makes it a chocolate smoothie
This is tried, true and delicious!

Another really good thing you could incorporate to your diet is green tea. It has a lot of good things in it for you body. Here are some of them:

I hope everyone's having a good week and has some good active plans for the weekend! I know I do, it's supposed to be beautiful this weekend!

Sources: http://www.herbslist.net/green-tea-benefits.html

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

18 min Cardio Sculpt Workout

I'm a member of SparkPeople.com and have found it very helpful and motivational.
I LOVE their workout videos. Coach Nicole is amazing. Today I was going to go run, but my hubby's staying late at school and I wanted to spend tonight with him. Plus he has my gym card, so I can't go anyways before he gets home. So to save some time and switch things up a bit I went to SparkPeople and of course found a great cardio video to do.
It's a part of their boot camp series and gets a good sweat worked up.
If you're a beginner or quite advanced they have modified moves for each three levels. (beginner, intermediate, and advanced)
It's an 18 minute video and has a warm up within those 18 minutes, you may want to do your own cool down.
It's located at this url: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/videos-detail.asp?video=32

If you're not a member already I do recommend becoming one. It's very motivational and they have water, calorie, and exercise trackers.

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start!