Friday, March 8, 2013

Tips for Waking up Early for Workouts and Starting a Good Day!

So if any of you are anything like me, you have a very very VERY difficult time getting out of bed and actually making into the gym. So today I've gathered a few tips to help you get up and get to the gym or on the streets running from

First off, set your alarm, but move the alarm across the room so you have to physically get out of bed. If you think that you will get up and turn that one off and head back to bed, turn multiple alarms on. You'll eventually get tired of getting out of bed and just stay up.

I know this sounds super funny, but sleep in your workout clothes. They're comfortable anyways so they shouldn't keep you from sleeping.

If you don't feel like sleeping in your clothes lay them out the night before so that you're reminded when you wake up that you need to get busy.

When you wake up drink a glass of water, it helps to get you jumpstarted, but don't forget about breakfast either. You should eat within one hour of waking up to help boost your metabolism and wake it up. This also helps people who are wanting to lose weight as well.

Another thing that helps keep you awake in the morning is to go ahead and pop those ear buds in and start listening to your workout playlist. This helps to get you pumped and moving.

I like to pre-make some breakfast items like energy bites or cut up fruit for a smoothie, so then I'm motivated to get up and eat my breakfast because I know that it's going to be delicious.

I hope that some of these tips have helped! Enjoy your Weekend!

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